Mary Nicholson Jackson, CLC, is Vice President of Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere Inc. (ROSE). Mary is presently working with Grady Health System’s WIC Program as a Breastfeeding Consultant. Mary does daily bedside counseling, support the NICU families who are breastfeeding, teaches perinatal breastfeeding education and coordinates breastfeeding education for Emory and Morehouse medical student and other Ancillary Health Divisions of the hospital. She is the Co-Chair of the Hospital’s Baby Friendly Initiative team. Mary was President of the Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition (GBC) for two years and prior to that was a volunteer co-chair of the Georgia Task Force for Breastfeeding. Under Mary’s leadership and partnering with the Georgia Maternal Child Health Division and GA AAP, GBC was able to secure a paid PT staff person to help with the day-to-day business of the GBC. Mary has worked as an advisor for the Southeastern Region and National WIC Peer Counselor programs.