Baby Café facilitator, Crossroads Baby Café
Chelesa Presley has been providing community-based support to women and children since 2000. Mrs. Presley has been working with Tougaloo College/Delta HealthPartners Healthy Start Initiative since 2006 as a Community Health Worker (CHW) and Outreach Coordinator in Coahoma, Tunica, Quitman, Tallahatchie, and Bolivar Counties. Mrs. Presley has been a Certified Lactation Educator (CLE) since 2012 and became a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC) in 2017. Mrs. Presley also serve as the lead
Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician- Instructor in Northwest Mississippi. Mrs. Presley is a member of several professional organizations such as National Association of Professional and Peer Lactation Supporters of Color (NAPPLSC), Young Professors of Panola (YPP), Clarksdale/Coahoma Chamber of Commerce, and Mississippi Birth Coalition. Mrs. Presley attended Mississippi State University. She works closely with local, state, and national community organizations such as Coahoma Opportunity, Inc. Head Start, Aaron E. Henry Community Health Services, Northwest
Mississippi Medical Center, Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere (ROSE), CHAMPS/ CHEER, and many other organizations.

Mrs. Presley worked with local community organizations to initiate the Coahoma County Diaper Bank and Crossroads Baby Café. Mrs. Presley’s career goals are to help normalize breastfeeding in the Mississippi Delta and the State of Mississippi by helping families make informed choices about infant feeding and helping address the growing needs of pregnant and postpartum women experiencing housing insecurities. Recently, Mrs. Presley and her team won the 2018 Make the Breast Pump not Suck Hackathon Transformation Award for a project to initiate a homeless shelter for pregnant and postpartum women experiencing housing insecurities in the Mississippi Delta. Mrs. Presley was also selected to the 2018-2019 Delta Leadership Institute Executive Academy a program of the Delta Regional Authority.
Mrs. Presley is a member of Anderson Street Church of Christ where she serves a Sunday School Teacher and Youth Leader. Mrs. Presley is the proud wife of Julian Presley and mother of three children, Javon, Ciera, and Jensen. Mrs. Presley is also the proud grandmother of Javon, Jr. Mrs. Presley motto in live is smile and live a great story because with God in front all things are possible with faith, prayer, and obedience.